Is it fair to say that "nicking" is synonymous with "stealing"?
People often don't know the difference between the words "nick" and "knick." This is because they have many things in common. The word "nick" comes from the verb "nick," which means to make a small cut or indentation in something. It can also mean to get caught or steal something in British slang. Nick is one of the most confusing words in English . It is a mix of the words "nick" and "knick-knack," but which one is right? A nick is a small cut, notch, or shallow depression on an edge or surface. It can also mean "just in time," as in the expression "the nick of time." The word "knick-knack" may seem like an oxymoron, but it comes from the word "knack," which is not only a clever name for a trinket but also the word for a clever trick. In fact, the word "knack" has been around for a long time. In the 1600s, it was used to describe small things like needles, thread, and ...